International Women's Day
Croom Family Resource Centre are organising a day of Health & Healing to mark International Women's Day. The event will be held on Wednesday 10th March in the Mill and will run from 10am to 1pm. There will be a number of therapists on site offering manicures, reiki, bio-reasonance therapy and blood pressure checks and lots more. To see any of the therapists you will need to book an appointment, with no appintment needed for all other serivces. A small fee will apply to see the therapists. All are welcome. For more information contact the Resource Centre on 061-602878.
Stonehall Visitor's Farm
Croom Family Resource Centre are organising a trip to Stonehall Visitor Farm in Curraghchase, Kilcornan, Co. Limerick on the 31st March. This trip is during the Easter break and is open to all parents, children and grandparents, carer's etc. A bus will be leaving from the Mill in the morning and we will spend about 2.5 hours on the farm. to secure your place on the bus or for more information contact the Reource Centre on 061-602878.
Overnight Trip to Galway
Croom Family Resource Centre are organising an overnight trip to the Galway Bay hotel on Wednesday the 5th May. A reduced rate of €50 per person for Bed & Breafast has been negotiated with the hotel. The hotel has full leisure and beauty/spa facilities and is situated on the beach in Salthill. A bus will leave the Mill on the morning of the 5th at approx 9.30am and return the following day. To reserve your place a deposit of €25 is required by the end of February. This trip is open to everybody in the community. Places on the bus are not guaranteed and need to be booked as soon as possible. For further information contact the Resource Centre on 061-602878.
Community Library Facilities
Croom Family Resource Centre would like to thank the Tarry family of Islandmore for donating an extensive collection of their personal books to the Centre and wish them all the best for the future. These along with other donated books have formed the basis of a library now housed in the Family Resource Centre. This lending library is open Monday to Friday 9.30am to 5.30pm. No charge applies to this service.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Local Notes 10th Feb 2010
Christmas Party Photos 2009

Local Notes
Church Gate Collection
Croom Family Resource Centre would like to thank everyone for their generous donations at the Church Gate collection last weekend. Over four hundred and sixty Euro was raised. This money will go towards supporting programmes for senior citizen's and youth in Croom community. In particular Croom Family Resource Centre would like to thank those who volunteered at the gate, and Father Kennedy and Father O' Brien for their support.
Wednesday Group
Every Wednesday a group made up of all ages and interests meet informally in the resource centre at around 10.30am. The group is very informal and people can drop-in and out as they please. The Wednesday group plan different activities such as Art, Swimming, Craft-making, Computers and Salsa Dancing. All ideas and suggestions are taken on board. The Wednesday group also organise overnight trips throughout the year. New members are welcome and can come along anytime. Most activities are free of charge. For more information contact the resource centre on 061-602878.
Croom Parent & Toddler Group
Croom Parent & Toddler group meet every Thursday at 9.30am in the old National School, on the grounds of St. Mary's National School. The group is informal and provides parents, carers and children an opportunity to meet and mix. New members are welcome. For more information contact the resource centre on 061-602878.
Self Defense & Fitness Class
In response to much demand, Croom Family Resource Centre are holding self defense/fitness classes. The class starts this Thursday 11th February from 10am to 11am in Croom Mill. Participants must sign up for a minimum of three weeks. The class is suitable for all ages and ability. Places are limited so booking in advance is essential. For further information and bookings contact the resource centre on 061-602878.
Local Notes
Church Gate Collection
Croom Family Resource Centre would like to thank everyone for their generous donations at the Church Gate collection last weekend. Over four hundred and sixty Euro was raised. This money will go towards supporting programmes for senior citizen's and youth in Croom community. In particular Croom Family Resource Centre would like to thank those who volunteered at the gate, and Father Kennedy and Father O' Brien for their support.
Wednesday Group
Every Wednesday a group made up of all ages and interests meet informally in the resource centre at around 10.30am. The group is very informal and people can drop-in and out as they please. The Wednesday group plan different activities such as Art, Swimming, Craft-making, Computers and Salsa Dancing. All ideas and suggestions are taken on board. The Wednesday group also organise overnight trips throughout the year. New members are welcome and can come along anytime. Most activities are free of charge. For more information contact the resource centre on 061-602878.
Croom Parent & Toddler Group
Croom Parent & Toddler group meet every Thursday at 9.30am in the old National School, on the grounds of St. Mary's National School. The group is informal and provides parents, carers and children an opportunity to meet and mix. New members are welcome. For more information contact the resource centre on 061-602878.
Self Defense & Fitness Class
In response to much demand, Croom Family Resource Centre are holding self defense/fitness classes. The class starts this Thursday 11th February from 10am to 11am in Croom Mill. Participants must sign up for a minimum of three weeks. The class is suitable for all ages and ability. Places are limited so booking in advance is essential. For further information and bookings contact the resource centre on 061-602878.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Manister Spring Fair
The annual Manister Spring fair takes place at Manister Community centre on Easter Monday 13th April. It is a major fundraising event and Parish community day. The days activities will include competitions, bric/ a / brac, various displays, historical walk and many other events. Hopefully the sun will shine for the people of Manister on that day.
Monday, 13th of April,2009
Easter Monday
Great day for all the family
Easter Monday
Great day for all the family
10.30 am
Guided Historic Walk
Meeting point YellowTown pub
Wellies recommended.Dogs-on-leash
Meeting point YellowTown pub
Wellies recommended.Dogs-on-leash
1.00pm to 5.00 pm
2nd Hand Book Stall
Fortune telling/Tarot cards
Photography Competition
Rodeo Bull
Slippery Slide
Face Painting
Composting Stand
Garden Centre Stand
Penalty shootout
Slippery Slide
Face Painting
Composting Stand
Garden Centre Stand
Penalty shootout
Toss the Wellie competition
Various craft stands
Defibrillator Stand
Various craft stands
Defibrillator Stand
Dog Show – 5 categories, 2 euros entry fee per category
Best Fancy dress
Dog I would most like to take home
Waggiest Tail
Friendliest dogBest behaved dog
Dog I would most like to take home
Waggiest Tail
Friendliest dogBest behaved dog
4.30 pm
Children’s Fancy Dress Competition.
For further details please contact : 086-8562083 or 086-6063819
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Mannister news 18th Feb 2009
Mannister Table Quiz
A table quiz in Yellowtown will take place on this Friday 20th February in aid of the Annual Manister Spring Fair which takes place on Easter Monday April 13th. 20 euro for a table of four. It is the committee's main fundraiser and they would appreciate all the support they can get in these difficult times. The Annual Spring Fair has become part and parcel of the social calendar for the Parish of Manister.
The Parish of Manister reached the heavenly powers when two Manister Clerical associates of the parish were elevated as Canons of the Diocese of Limerick by Most Rev. Dr. Donal Murray Bishop of Limerick. Fr. Garry Bluett Parish Priest of Manister having created history in being made a Canon for the Diocese of Limerick as Parish Priest of Manister. Fr. Donal McNamara formerly of Ballycahane son of Mr. and Mrs. Lou McNamara was also elevated as Canon Fr.Donal is for some years Diocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage organizer and was recently appointed Parish Priest of St. Munchin's having spent over 10 years in the parish of Kildimo, Pallaskennry.

Fr.Bluett elevated to Canon.
A table quiz in Yellowtown will take place on this Friday 20th February in aid of the Annual Manister Spring Fair which takes place on Easter Monday April 13th. 20 euro for a table of four. It is the committee's main fundraiser and they would appreciate all the support they can get in these difficult times. The Annual Spring Fair has become part and parcel of the social calendar for the Parish of Manister.
The Parish of Manister reached the heavenly powers when two Manister Clerical associates of the parish were elevated as Canons of the Diocese of Limerick by Most Rev. Dr. Donal Murray Bishop of Limerick. Fr. Garry Bluett Parish Priest of Manister having created history in being made a Canon for the Diocese of Limerick as Parish Priest of Manister. Fr. Donal McNamara formerly of Ballycahane son of Mr. and Mrs. Lou McNamara was also elevated as Canon Fr.Donal is for some years Diocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage organizer and was recently appointed Parish Priest of St. Munchin's having spent over 10 years in the parish of Kildimo, Pallaskennry.
Fr.Bluett elevated to Canon.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
4-12-1923 TO 18 – 01- 2009
Christy lived and worked all his life in the townland of Killonahan, in the parish of Manister. He took over the running of the family farm with his sister Kitty, at a young age, and worked the land until his retirement. He was a man of great stature, and, as Fr Blewitt PP Manister, mentioned in his tribute to Christy, he probably had to duck his head each time to get into the stalls to milk the cows. As well has his farming, Christy took great pride in his garden in the orchard, growing his own vegetables for many years. He was by nature a creature of habit, and you could set your clock by him, as he passed by, accompanied by his two dogs, to bring in the cows for milking . If he met anyone on the way, he would always salute, and stop to pass the time of day. There was always time to offer his opinion on any given subject, ranging from the weather to sport, especially the previous or next week’s hurling or football, and world affairs to politics, a gift he retained right up to the time of his passing.
He ploughed with horses in his early years, and would have been working the land at the time of “Compulsory Tillage”. He was part of the generation where neighbours helped neighbours, and took it in turns with the threshing. There would often be up to twenty at the Hanrahan’s dinner table for such occasions. Initially he would bring his milk to the creamery by horse and cart, but time moved on, and there followed a succession of vans, the registeration number of the first one being, I U 9084, as Kitty is well able to recall.
He didn’t take part in sports himself, but he enjoyed the thrill of sporting occasions, and would often cycle to race meetings. His over-riding passion though was all things GAA, and as well as attending many local parish encounters over the years, he also travelled to Croke Park by train on occasions for All Ireland finals, a fact of which he was very proud. In recent years he added rugby to his list of interests, particularly with the success of Munster, and became very knowledgeable on that subject too. Despite not participating, he was nevertheless a formidable opponent when it came to discussing or debating the merits of particular teams or their performance, or players and their positions, and he had a remarkable memory for facts and figures. Christy enjoyed many a game of cards in his time, together with a pint of plain and a small one, and was a popular figure in the local hostelries where he would pass away the time of day putting the world to rights. Kitty loyally and steadfastly looked after Christy at home until he required more specialist care, and he became a much loved and well liked resident of St. Catherine’s Nursing Home at Newcastlewest, where he continued to amaze staff and residents with his ability to converse on the topics of the day. He also became the “unofficial keeper of the remote control” especially on match days. Kitty is eternally grateful for the loving care and attention he received there, and it was a blessing for her to know Christy was very happy there.
Christy passed away peacefully at the Regional Hospital on Sunday January 18, after a short illness, seven weeks after celebrating his eighty sixth birthday. Christy’s removal took place from Daffy’s Funeral Home in Croom, to St. Michael’s Church Manister. He was buried in the adjoining graveyard after a mass which had been arranged by their kind neighbours, with many of their long standing friends from the surrounding area in attendance. May he rest in peace.
4-12-1923 TO 18 – 01- 2009
Christy lived and worked all his life in the townland of Killonahan, in the parish of Manister. He took over the running of the family farm with his sister Kitty, at a young age, and worked the land until his retirement. He was a man of great stature, and, as Fr Blewitt PP Manister, mentioned in his tribute to Christy, he probably had to duck his head each time to get into the stalls to milk the cows. As well has his farming, Christy took great pride in his garden in the orchard, growing his own vegetables for many years. He was by nature a creature of habit, and you could set your clock by him, as he passed by, accompanied by his two dogs, to bring in the cows for milking . If he met anyone on the way, he would always salute, and stop to pass the time of day. There was always time to offer his opinion on any given subject, ranging from the weather to sport, especially the previous or next week’s hurling or football, and world affairs to politics, a gift he retained right up to the time of his passing.
He ploughed with horses in his early years, and would have been working the land at the time of “Compulsory Tillage”. He was part of the generation where neighbours helped neighbours, and took it in turns with the threshing. There would often be up to twenty at the Hanrahan’s dinner table for such occasions. Initially he would bring his milk to the creamery by horse and cart, but time moved on, and there followed a succession of vans, the registeration number of the first one being, I U 9084, as Kitty is well able to recall.
He didn’t take part in sports himself, but he enjoyed the thrill of sporting occasions, and would often cycle to race meetings. His over-riding passion though was all things GAA, and as well as attending many local parish encounters over the years, he also travelled to Croke Park by train on occasions for All Ireland finals, a fact of which he was very proud. In recent years he added rugby to his list of interests, particularly with the success of Munster, and became very knowledgeable on that subject too. Despite not participating, he was nevertheless a formidable opponent when it came to discussing or debating the merits of particular teams or their performance, or players and their positions, and he had a remarkable memory for facts and figures. Christy enjoyed many a game of cards in his time, together with a pint of plain and a small one, and was a popular figure in the local hostelries where he would pass away the time of day putting the world to rights. Kitty loyally and steadfastly looked after Christy at home until he required more specialist care, and he became a much loved and well liked resident of St. Catherine’s Nursing Home at Newcastlewest, where he continued to amaze staff and residents with his ability to converse on the topics of the day. He also became the “unofficial keeper of the remote control” especially on match days. Kitty is eternally grateful for the loving care and attention he received there, and it was a blessing for her to know Christy was very happy there.
Christy passed away peacefully at the Regional Hospital on Sunday January 18, after a short illness, seven weeks after celebrating his eighty sixth birthday. Christy’s removal took place from Daffy’s Funeral Home in Croom, to St. Michael’s Church Manister. He was buried in the adjoining graveyard after a mass which had been arranged by their kind neighbours, with many of their long standing friends from the surrounding area in attendance. May he rest in peace.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Manister Nation School Opening
It was a special day in the small parish of Manister when the Minister of Education Mr Batt O'Keefe opened the new extension to Manister National School. This happened on Friday 12th September 2008.
Batt O Keeffe Minister for Education with Ml.Noonan Fr. Garry Bluett P.P.Manister.
Batt O'Keeffe holding the baby with the kitchen staff at the opening of the extension to Manister N.S.
Deputy John Cregan with former Govt.Minister Michael Noonan.
Read the full story and view all the photographs from the opening at
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